About Me

Welcome to my Website that depicts my journey as a nature photographer and therefore includes photographs of wildlife, landscapes, mountains and Astro-images.

I have spent most part of my life in the concrete jungle of Mumbai, the commercial capital of India. I am a Computer Software Engineer by profession. I guess there was no reason I should have got intimately connected to nature. Something unusual had to happen, for me to get connected to nature. That happened in the latter half of the year 2010. I gifted myself, for absolutely no specific reason a modest DSLR camera – Canon 60D body and the kit (zoom) lens that came with it. First e-mail, I received from Canon-Edge after the purchase, mentioned about a trip to Kaziranga National Park in Assam, India. I thought it might be a good idea to travel to Kaziranga and take some “Cool” pictures.

I reached Kaziranga sometimes in February 2011 and just fell in love with the forest, wild animals and variety of birds that I sighted there. There was no stopping thereafter. I visited many national parks in India – Ranthambore, Bandhavgarh, Tadoba, Kanha, Pench, Corbett, Bharatpur, Little Rann of Kutchh, Satpuda Tiger Reserve, Singalila, Sundarban, Panna etc. In fact, visited most of those parks multiple times. Fell in love with Tigers and big cats in general. Traveled to Masai Mara in Africa and Brazil in South America in pursuit of other big cats like Lions and Jaguars. Hope to provide some glimpses of what I saw in all those parks on this Website.

I was always fascinated by the skies – planets, stars, galaxies and constellations that are visible there. Somewhere along the way, I thought it would be so great to take images of those celestial objects. Luckily, I am associated with an NGO by the name Khagol Mandal, the oldest astronomy club in Mumbai (probably in India). Therefore, it was easy to find a mentor who could handhold me while learning Astro-Photography. Astro-photography is not for the faint-hearted, without a mentor, it is very difficult to learn it. I have shared on this Website some of the Astro-images that I have clicked over the past few years.

I rekindled my hobby of high-altitude trekking after a gap of 30 years. Hope you like some of the pictures that I clicked in the Mount Everest region and Mount Annapurna region that I have shared on this site.

Blogs, I have included on this Website are some of the stories that document wildlife history moments, I witnessed over the years. I have also included Blogs on certain aspects of Astrophotography. I hope you find them useful.

Enjoy the pictures (preferably on larger screens of laptops and desktops instead of mobile phones!). Thanks a lot for being a part of my photography journey. Do drop me a line having your comments, critique, feedback via Contact Me.